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A Peaceful Bubble

soap bubble & reflection

Last week I chose the option of a speed awareness course, rather than a fine and points on my driving licence, as I had been caught speeding.

The course was available online, and I clicked on the attachment to join a Zoom meeting with five others and our trainer. I set my laptop up on the end of the kitchen table and had a notepad and a glass of water by my side.

The course gifted me more than I had expected. Our trainer was excellent and it became a group discussion, as he shared the legal information required and invited each of us to share our thoughts. Two and a half hours flew by. We all had our mobiles and other devices turned off and found ourselves in a peaceful bubble.

Our trainer respected the details of our private lives, and the course naturally flowed into a general discussion about what we found distracting and the events and situations that hijack our emotions and peace of mind before we start car journeys and when we're driving.

We were a mixed bunch, so the reasons were varied and we started to listen to each other. We all agreed that it helps to be aware of our choices before we leave home. I try not to read emails, and messages or take phone calls before I head out of the front door. Others shared how they try to observe situations when driving and choose not to get involved emotionally, so their inner peace remains undisturbed. A delivery driver found himself getting very agitated about others' driving choices, and he realised he was hurt by the inconsideration he's shown daily.

Our trainer talked about the safe space around our cars, stopping distances etc.. and we talked about nurturing a space around ourselves, fostering our calm.

I re-learned an aspect of the Highway Code I had forgotten, as it is many years since I took my driving test.

As we said farewell and logged off, I realised that the course had held my attention for a few hours, whilst everything else stopped. It was peaceful.


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Sue Dreamwalker
Sue Dreamwalker
Apr 25
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I had no idea they did such courses Jane, but what an excellent idea... And that delivery driver discovered something of his own inner journey and maybe he learnt more patience within himself as well as with others... When we are focused and in full attention, it is amazing how time flies and how encased in that inner bubble we become.. Thank you Jane for sharing your experience... I now here the mph zones in wales are being returned to what they used to be.. ;-) Sending much love xx 💖

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Apr 29
Replying to

Full attention bubbles are special and I know you and I and many others, find them in our creative times. Thank goodness.

On the subject of the 20mph zones, Wrexham Council is upset, and we can see why. They have spent money putting in new road signs and markings on the roads, and now they need to do it all again. I know we all think we're doing the right thing when we set out on a new path, but this decision has caused much angst and a backlash. Apparently, each council is being asked where they want the 20mph and where they need to revert back to 30mph. Wrexham Council have gone back to the Senedd and said, 'We…


Clare Pooley
Clare Pooley
Apr 24
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

These speed awareness courses are really helpful. Richard went on one a few years ago and found it just as useful as you did; non-confrontational with no guilt-tripping or finger pointing. A calm place to discuss experiences with others.

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Apr 25
Replying to

Hello Clare, yes, exactly that. A calm bubble. Much love to you all. xXx 🩷


Apr 21
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A worthy share my friend, as I am one who just gags when on the roads with the horrible drivers. 😊😍🦄❤️💜

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Apr 21
Replying to

Our UB, you are so lovely, thank you. There is a distinct shift in lack of manners! Much love from us to you. Xxxx 🩷🌹🦄🩷


Apr 19
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I, long ago was taught a lesson about road rage and anger, and to this day do not let others driving habits upset my calm. Of note is that passengers should let the driver focus, and stay calm … Imagine a driver assist technology that called names about every bad driver in front of us !

Jane Sturgeon
Jane Sturgeon
Apr 19
Replying to

You know, Pete, if you have thought it, then I bet someone is making a prototype somewhere! Much love to you both, with hugs. Jane xXx 🩷

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