I have learned a new word: tink (verb. tinking). Definition: to undo a row of knitting one stitch at a time, to correct a mistake. It tickles me that it is 'knit' spelt backwards. If you 'tink' over more than one row, this is called 'pulling back'. Tinking and pulling back is also called 'sod it' in our home when I spot a mistake in the piece I am knitting.
We had a tink moment on Friday, but it was with life and not knitting.
The week had been busy and we were both feeling a tad overwhelmed and weary. Looking out of the window, the sun was shining brightly on leaves of many golden hues and it was inviting. Neither of us had an appointment in the diary, so ditching our thoughts on what we should be doing, we took off to a piece of Wales not far away from home.
Straddling the 18th and 19th centuries, intrepid engineers were building Britain's industrial revolution and the Welsh landscape was ripe with mines, canals and railways.
Tucked away in a valley, we discovered a gem of a park with two lakes, woodlands and peace, created from the remnants of the industrial age. There were few people about and those we did meet greeted us with friendly 'Hello's'. A pair of elderly friends were feeding the ducks, swans and moorhens and we had the feeling they meet often by the lakes. A young lass was riding a pony up the hillside, with a lady walking beside them. Bird calls could be heard and peace descended within us. We kicked up the leaves and as we discovered a new track, off we went exploring.
We have projects, plans and dreams, but we are discovering as we 'tink' and knit our way with life, that the magic moments and new sparks come from planning and dreaming, not the actual plans. Things rarely turn out as we think they will, yet the ideas and moments that arise from planning, dreaming and allowing space to 'tink' are the very things we needed all along.